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Filed under Canada

What happens when the front falls off?

This is worth a watch.

How did the front fall off?

Old whales die of old age.

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Filed under Rant

My Head Hurts.

The title has nothing to do with the post… my head just hurts.

Why do I always want the latest cellphone or smart phone?  Admittedly I’m a BlackBerry guy but lately I’ve started to jones for the iPhone….. but then I have to reload the operating system on my home PC and I can’t get my iTunes to sync all of my music back on my iPod.  Eff!  Too Many i’s.   I am so bitter right now.

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Filed under Nerd, Rant

Don’t get excited……

I’m posting but I don’t know how often this will happen.

So its been many months since I’ve posted to this blog.  Since then my domain name has expired so I’m no longer  I need a new name.

Here is what I’ve been doing.

  • I’ve continued my running, I now have 4 half marathons, a 25KM race, several other races (15km, 10km, 5 mile) under my belt.
  • Drinking wine.
  • Drinking beer.
  • Hanging out with the missus.
  • Bought a Wii and will occasionally rock it out with Rock Band.

Was on a Niagara wine tasting trip on Saturday.  Bought some good wine, some very good wine, and some wine that I believe will become excellent wine in 3-5 years.  Too many good things happened over the duration of the day but we saw a bumper sticker and it made me laugh.  My wife was not nearly as amused as I was.


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Filed under Beer, Friends, Funny, Toronto, Vino, Wii

Am I back?

I don’t know…. but Gabriel from Salted Lithium seems to think I’m on a break and I might actually pick up this blog again.

I started this post on August 25, 2008.  I didn’t get far…… now its posted but there is no content.  I did fix one spelling mistake in a previous that was causing great anx for Gabriel


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Filed under news?, Stuff